Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

I’m Happy

by sihijau

I'm happy.
Because I can see my life then I think I'm happy.
I'm deserve to be happy.
Because of my happiness, I can spread love to everyone.
Sometimes is hard. But I look myself, I just do the way I am. If they can feel happy because of me, I'm feel happy. If not, I'm still happy. Why? Because then I will realize I can still feel happy without get a praise.
Yes, I'm deserve to be happy.. And you deserve to. But the happiness come from yourself not from someone or something. They just an additional for your happiness.

I'm happy because I have God. That's the important things.
I'm happy because I have love. I can love and be loved.
I'm happy because I have life. I can walk, talk, think and do what I want to do.
I'm happy because I have dream. I can make it come true
I'm happy because I'm a free. I can do what I want and make the responsible from that.

So, I'm happy... :)

PS : me in the future read this when you feel sad.

I got inspired by Anthony De Mello :)

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