Senin, 12 Agustus 2013


Mo cerita tentang my sweetheart alias my little one, tepat hr sabtu besok dia genap 6 bulan...horeeee...alhamdulillah ya nak nyampe jg di 6 bln dalam keadaan sehat, lincah dan dgn segala kemajuan motorikmu, skrg udah bisa tengkurap bolak balik, udah bisa muter sama mundur, majunya blm hahahaha...

Padahal ketika mama mengandungmu bener2 perjuangan yg sangat luar biasa dgn segala masalah dan ujian2nya, yang terparah itu waktu bln januari tepatnya tgl 30 januari, yang mendadak tiba2 mama mengigil dan demam pdhl lg ga flu dan ga sakit apapun, entah lah ada apa hari itu, hanya gara2 mengigil dan demam kamu yg di dlm perut jd ikut2 an berulah, dari pagi sampe siang kamu tdk bergerak sama sekali, walhasil mama mesti di rawat, di infus dan diberi oksigen, ditambah suntikan penguat paru2 krn direncanakan kamu akan dikeluarkan lebih awal dari perkiraan kalo sampe beberapa jam lg tdk ada gerakan sama sekali, tp mama berusaha utk tetap bertahan dan tetap mempertahankanmu sampai kamu benar2 siap utk dilahirkan dan alhamdulillah akhirnya kamu tetap bisa bertahan sampai mama melahirkanmu di usia 39 week, alhamdulillah kamu dilahirkan di februari ya nak... ga di 30 januari, alhamdulillah ultah nya ga jd sama kaya si sontoloyo itu hahaha...

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

The Seasons

by sihijau

You know but you don't understand.

Sometimes, i feel like that. I know i'm supposed to be love my life. But what i have is a lot of excuse. I'm being lazy to ask "why" i must love my life and look for the answer as well. Then, i'm become confused for nothing. I lost my direction and i'm blacked out.

Who feel the feeling like this?

It's an ordinary. That's why life is like riding a rollercoaster.

We have a time to getting afraid because of high or because of the rain will come while we ride a rollercoaster.

We have a time to feel so calm, like a color of flower.

We have a time to feel so lonely. It's like tomorrow will never come again or we want to kill a new day.

We have a good and bad time, sad and HAPPY time, we lost and we found again.

That's the part of our stories. We have a seasons for all of this.

So, how to settle all of this crap?

Simple! Think and stop think, then look at the sky!

Too much think make you forget what your priority to do.

Less think make you lost your balance to see the reality comes on you.

Make a spare time to think and stop to look a sky.

Why skies?

Because that's the answer for all your question.

It's blue. It's unreachable but we can see all possiblity in there. We can feel the wind and we can hear the bird singing. We can open our hands to feel the nature.

The important things is because in the sky, GOD see us. We can talk all about our dream and make it possible come true.

We can change our mind when we see the rainbow after the rain. We can do more better things after the dark. We can create our light when the sun comes out.

What is all about?

It is about how blessed your life! It is about why you must love yourself. It is about why you must SPREAD Joyfull and not become a selfish!

You are not alone! Never be alone!

God said to us, "You are adorable! Because I created you so!"

Good night!